Ponta Delgada Joao Paulo II (PDL / LPPD), Ponta Delgada, PORTUGAL/AZORES
Air bp


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Contact information
Air bp
Email: pontadelgada.airport@ec1.bp.com
Phone: +351 917 579 095
Mobile: +351 296 306 712
Fuels supplied Jet-A-1
Fuel services Operator refuelling - Jet Operator refuelling - Avgas
Opening Hours 06:00 - 0:00
Sterling Card Customers Accepted Yes
Preadvisal required for non-scheduled flights? Prior Notice - minimum 2 hours in advance

To provide prior notice please use the contact details above.
Additional refuelling information João Paulo II Airport is in the town of Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores, the largest city in the Azores. It is the main air passenger and freight entry point in the islands. Its name is a homage to Pope John Paul II's journey through the Azores on 11 May,1991.

Other Airport information

Time zone (UTC) -1.00:00
Nearest city Ponta Delgada 2 KM WNW OF TOWN
Runway length and width 7621 x 148
Slots required Yes
Other information Web: www.ana.pt/portal/page/portal/ANA/AEROPORTO_PDELGADA. Steeply rising terrain NW that impacts on t/off or missed app Rwy 30. A set of 8 flashing lights are installed 6km from THR Rwy 12 & 2km left of the centre line - they are there to warn of imminent rising terrain.

Other Information

Other useful information
For full details on all Air BP locations please visit http://airbp.com/wheretofind

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